The creative workflow below applies to most campaigns that run on Weborama technology.
1. Template Request
In most cases you’ll receive one or more Weborama template(s) from either our Client Support or Technical Support team, or through one of our clients. In the latter case, it never hurts to check if you have the latest version of the template by contacting our support desk ( Make sure you re-download the template every time you use it to make sure you have the latest version.
2. Creation Process
After verifying the deliverables for this campaign you can use the templates to do what you do best: 'create'.
3. Preview and Test
At the end of — or preferably during — your creation process the materials get uploaded into the Weborama Previewer. This allows you to preview and debug your ad unit(s) in a live-like environment and also to showcase them to your client.
4. Client approval
Gather all the preview links you need and get approval from your client.
5. Weborama Sales
After pressing the 'Notify Weborama' button, our Client Support team will check if the material is good to go live. They will contact you if changes in your creative are necessary. If you don't hear anything from us that means your material is working correctly.
6. Weborama Traffic
If both the client and Weborama have approved the display and functionality of your ad unit, the Weborama Traffic department will process it, create ad tags, and send them to the designated publishers. In most cases the process ends here.
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