Our specifications sheets (spec sheet) is normally the starting point when taking on a new ad creation project. They serve as a presentation card for Weborama Rich Media templates.
Our spec sheets include the following:
- Name of the template
- Preview button(s)
- Download button(s)
- Involved materials and elements
- Material dimensions
- Material weight limits
- Ad Previewer details
- Format specific information (instructions, advice, warnings, etc.)
Next to this information, our spec sheets also provide delivery instructions, helpful links and important notes.
The most important things to keep an eye are the following.
Even though the name seems something that is not crucial, it is very important. Different type of parties are involved in an online campaign and names may differ. If the name does not match, check the preview and the specifications (involved elements, dimensions, etc.) to make sure you have the right template.
In order to see how the format looks an behaves on an actual browser, we always ad preview buttons from which we have two types: regular and QR. The regular ones open the format in a new tab of the current used browser. The QR types open the QR code in a new tab so you can scan it with mobile devices.
If the template has multiple combinations to choose from, multiple preview links will be provided as well.
Download or re-download the template from the spec sheet every time you need it. Templates change often and making sure you use the latest version is very important.
If the template has multiple combinations or optional HTML elements, it is possible that the download links are listed by each HTML element so that you can download only the ones you need.
Weight Specifications
While the dimensions and main behaviour, like alignment, tracking and clicking, are already covered in the template, other properties are important to keep an eye while building ads; weight is one of these for sure.
The indicated weight limits are mandatory and can vary depending on the type of format and the site, app or network it will run on. The total maximum weight for creative assets include images, sound files and all added material. The weight of the template HTML and JavaScript files do not count for this total, only your creative assets. Added libraries like TweenLite and jQuery do not count neither but must be our CDN copies where posible.
The video size limits must be respected and can also vary depending on where it will run. Duration limits may also be indicated. Exceptions are possible but only when approved by the publisher. Overall we recommend to stay within the weight specifications to avoid complications.
Previewer Indications
All ads must be tested and delivered through our previewer tool. Once your ad files are uploaded in the previewer they become a previewer flight: a collection of creatives forming an advertisement. A flight can be a collection of assets, banners and layers. To read more about this check the Online Previewer article.
Spec sheets hold information that is crucial to know how to set up your flight.
The Position in Previewer property appears on each content element listed in the technical specifications and refers to the role the file plays in your flight. There are 3 kind of roles (Fixed Position, Layer and Asset). Use the following guide to assign the correct role to each file: Step 3: Edit the file roles.
If the template being used is meant for a specific site or network, there might be a Previewer Settings element listed in the technical specifications, which holds two properties: Display Position, which indicates what the launch ad-position (also explained in Step 3: Edit the file roles), and Preview Page, which indicates what the preview web page should be used and is explained in Step 4: Create a preview.
Format Specific Information
Some templates are pretty straight forward, while other ones have more complexity. This part of the spec sheets tells you, if necessary, how to use and get the most out of the template.
Make sure you always check if this part is present on the spec sheet of the template you are about to use. If so, give it good read and let us know if something is not clear (support@weborama.nl).
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